Human Resources and Sustainability: the Law and its evolution
II Brazilian Virtual Congress of Sustainable Human Resources BVCSHR
I International Virtual Congress on Sustainable Human Resources IVCSHR
November 24, 25 and 26, 2021
Veronica Lagassi
Attorney at Law. Doctor and Master in Law. Specialist in Business Law and
Teaching in Higher Education. Adjunct Professor of Commercial Law at the National
Law School (FND-UFRJ). Professor of Labor Law at CESGRANRIO. She is Vice-President of the Economic
Law Commission and Member of the Fashion Law Commission, both commissions of OAB-RJ.
Deivid Carvalho Lorenzo
Bachelor and Master of Laws - Federal University of Bahia.
Doctorate in Family in Contemporary Society from the Catholic University of Salvador.
He is currently Pro-Rector of Undergraduate Studies, Extension and Community Action at UCSal -
Catholic University of Salvador and professor of Civil Law in undergraduate and specialization courses.